Arriving midday on August 30th and birding until September 8th, nine and a half intensive days were spent birding in central and southern Spain.
The first three days were spent with local guide John Muddeman who proved extremely competent. These were spent firstly in the Madrid province,
then north to Segovia (Castilla y León), south-east to Cuenca (Castilla - La Mancha) and then finally west to Toledo and the north of Extremadura.
After spending some time around Monfragüe (Extremedera), I then headed alone, south to Andalusia via La Serena. The places of interest here
were Doñana, Tarifa and Gibraltar. I then undertook the long drive back to Madrid - east along the uninspiring Costa del Sol to Málaga and then
north to Córdoba and Toledo. The last half day (September 9th) was spent in Madrid.
The car was hired from Avis (through Iberia). Air conditioning proved essential but a four-wheel drive vehicle would have been very useful.
The pace was relaxed and time was spent photographing the wildlife and scenery as well as taking in some of the cultural aspects of Spain.
Temperature varied from the mid twenties to high thirties. It was dry throughout with only occasional cloud cover.
Places Visited
Madrid and surrounding area
The main places visited here were: Valdetorres de Jarama - steppe like habitat to the north-east of Madrid; Galapagar (John's home) - good scrub
habitat nearby; Puerto De Navafría area - mountainous forest to the north of the city on the border with Castilla y León; El Pardo - a large
park to the north-west of Madrid (no access but views into the park can be obtained); San Martín de la Vega - good wetland habitat on the Río
Jarama, south-east of Madrid.
The Steppe habitat in the Parque Nacional Río Duraton and the rocky cliffs around Santa Cruz were visited for half a day.
Cuenca (Castilla - La Mancha)
One morning was spent birding around the lagoons near to the towns of Miguel Esteban and Pedro Muñoz (Quintana De La Orden).
Spectacular wooded cliffs and river gorges surrounding the Castillo de Monfragüe. Further south, steppe habitat can be found on the road to
Trujillo whilst there is an excellent wetland site between Almaraz and Casatejada to the east of the parque. Excellent birding.
La Serena
One evening and a complete morning were spent birding on this huge, rather desolate area of steppe.
The Parque of Doñana itself was disappointing; the water had disappeared and the area was difficult to access. Good areas of wetland however
could be found at El Rocío and the roadside lagoon at Venta del Cruce. To the east of the Río Guadalquivir, the salt pans at Casa de las Salinas
proved productive.
Las Cabezas
The lagoons surrounding the town were visited for a couple of hours one morning.
Wooded mountainside stretching down to the coast. With the Atlas mountains of Morocco in the distance, this migrant hot-spot proved very productive.
Visited for one day. Difficult to enter (with a car at least) and in the main, over developed. The scrubby cliffs of the 'Mediterranean Steps'
(on the south-eastern face of the rock) however proved excellent.
La Laguna de Feunte de Piedra
North of Málaga, this was visited for a couple of hours late afternoon whilst on the long drive to Madrid