North Carolina May 19 - 26, 2002

This was the second trip I was asked to undertake on behalf of GlaxoSmithKline. The week was fairly intensive work-wise but a day and a half at the end of it was spent birding, as well as a few evenings.

Initially the weather was very cool for the location and time of year (the second coldest on record.) Towards the end of the week however, it got extremely hot – too hot for birds and good birding!

Places Visited
Research Triangle Park
The scenic mixed woodland of RTP and the area around The Doubletrees hotel made an excellent working environment and was pretty good for birds too.

Lake Jordan
The northern part of the lake ('Old Hope Valley Farm Road') was visited on 22nd and 23rd, primarily in the hope of seeing Whip-poor-Will. The south-eastern corner near the power station - where I was later asked to move away from by a machine-gun wielding security guard! - was visited early morning of the 26th in the hope of seeing Chuck-will's widow. A few other areas were also visited but by far the best was the Beaver Creek impoundment (south of Olive Chapel Church on the N.C.751).

Falls Lake
The brick-house road area on the northern side of the lake was visited as well as a couple of other spots; not as good as Lake Jordan

Mason Farm Biological Reserve
This reserve in Chapel Hill should produce good birding. It was hard going when I visited in the heat of a very hot afternoon on the 25th. A permit is required; see this page in the Triangle Birders Guide for details.

The Hotel! RTP
The Whip-poor-will site, Lake Jordan
Swamp, Falls Lake
Railroad, Falls Lake
Lake Jordan

19/5 Flight from Gatwick to Raleigh-Durham; an evening walk around hotel and surrounding area.
20/5 RTP (no birding)
21/5 RTP (no birding)
22/5 RTP (no birding); Lake Jordan late afternoon to nightfall.
23/5 RTP (no birding); Lake Jordan just before dusk.
24/5 RTP (no birding)
25/5 Falls Lake; Mason Farm Biological Reserve
26/5 Lake Jordan; William B. Umstead State Park; early evening return flight to Gatwick

Birds (67 species, 13 ticks)
Double-crested Cormorant - Several at Lake Jordan on most visits.
Great Blue Heron - Several at Lake Jordan on most visits and also at Lake Falls.
Small Heron sp. - Two distant birds seen; one at Lake Falls and one at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Canada Goose - Several in flight at Lake Jordan; several always present around the hotel, one showing some features of Lesser!
Wood Duck - A female with three young at Falls Lake.
Mallard - A small flock over at William B. Umstead.
Turkey Vulture - Seen most days.
Cooper's Hawk - One at Lake Jordan on 22nd.
Red-tailed Hawk - Seen most days.
Wild Turkey - One was heard crashing through undergrowth and calling at Falls Lake, but it was not seen.
Mourning Dove - Seen daily.
Feral Pigeon - Seen most days.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - One at Falls Lake.
Eastern Screech-owl - Heard at Lake Jordan on 23rd.
Chuck-will's-widow - One, eventually seen well near the Nuclear Power Station at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Whip-poor-will - At least two seen very well (near 'Whip-poor-will Lane'!) on 23rd; several heard there the previous evening.
Chimney Swift - Seen daily.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Two at Lake Falls.
Red-headed Woodpecker - Several at Falls Lake.
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Several at Falls Lake and Lake Jordan.
Downy Woodpecker - Several at Falls Lake and Lake Jordan.
Hairy Woodpecker - Several at Falls Lake and Lake Jordan and one at William B. Umstead.
Northern Flicker - A pair in the hotel grounds, RTP on 14th.
Pileated Woodpecker - One at Falls Lake and one at William B. Umstead.
Eastern Wood-Pewee - One in the hotel grounds, RTP on 24th.
Eastern Phoebe - One at Falls Lake and one at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Eastern Kingbird - A few seen at various locations.
Red-eyed Vireo - Common in woods.
Blue-headed Vireo - One at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Blue Jay - Seen most days.
American Crow - Probably seen most days.
Fish Crow? - Probably seen but non specifically identified.
Purple Martin - Several seen on various days.
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Several, mostly around the hotel.
Tree Swallow - Two over near the hotel on 24th and one at Falls Lake.
Barn Swallow - Several seen on various days.
Tufted Titmouse - Two at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Carolina Chickadee - Common.
Brown-headed Nuthatch - A pair at Lake Jordan on 22nd responded to the Screech-owl Tape; a few seen thereafter.
White-breasted Nuthatch - Several at Lake Jordan on 26th responed very well to tape.
Carolina Wren - Fairly common.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Common.
Eastern Bluebird - Several at various places.
American Robin - Common; a nest found in the hotel grounds.
Wood Thrush - One singing at Lake Jordan on 26th and another later in the day at William B. Umstead.
Northern Mockingbird - Common.
Brown Thrasher - Fairly common.
European Starling - A few seen around RTP.
Northern Parula - One at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Prairie Warbler - Several seen at various sites; the most oft-seen warbler.
Pine Warbler - Several seen at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Prothonotary Warbler - One in the hotel grounds on 24th; one at Falls Lake.
Kentucky Warbler - One responded very well to tape at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Ovenbird - A pair and a singleton at Falls Lake.
Common Yellowthroat - One seen at Falls Lake.
Yellow-breasted Chat - One on east side of Falls Lake and another at Mason Farm.
Summer Tanager - A pair and a singleton at Mason Farm.
Scarlet Tanager - A male at Falls Lake.
Northern Cardinal - Common.
Blue Grosbeak - Several at various locations, including the hotel grounds on 24th.
Indigo Bunting - Common.
Eastern Towhee - Fairly common.
Field Sparrow - Two at Falls Lake.
Chipping Sparrow - One at GSK Main site on 23rd.
Song Sparrow? - A probable near the hotel on 19th.
Brown-headed Cowbird - One at Lake Jordan on 26th.
Red-winged Blackbird - Fairly common.
Common Grackle - Common.
House Finch - One singing in hotel grounds on 20th; a few seen later in the week.
American Goldfinch - Several seen at various locations.
House Sparrow - A few seen around RTP.

Several species seen; mostly unidentified.
Black Swallowtail - Falls Lake.
Eastern Giant Swallowtail - Falls Lake.
American Painted Lady - William B. Umstead.

Some spectacular dragonflies were seen and a few photographed:
North Carolina Dragonflies

Other Wildlife
Grey Squirrel - Common.
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit - One at Mason Farm.
Turte sp. - Mason Farm.
Black Widow Spider - A female at William B. Umstead.