| Nepal March 18 - April 3, 1999 |
This trip was undertaken with Barry Reed, Mick Ilett, and Terry Goddard. We arrived at our base - 'The Garden Hotel' - on the northern
edge of the Thamel district in Kathmandu, late in the afternoon of the 18th. Birding was intensive although on Pulchowki and at Chitwana a short
time was taken with identifying the more 'obvious' butterflies. The last afternoon was spent sight-seeing and shopping around Durbar Square
in Kathmandu. We left very early on the morning of the 4th.
Early mornings were fairly cold (particularly so at higher altitude) but always warmed up considerably by mid-morning. In the Terai district
the high temperature and humidity made afternoon birding impractical until about 3-4pm.
Places Visited
Kathmandu Valley
Five whole days were spent birding on the evergreen slopes of Pulchowki, at 2759 meters the highest point in the Kathmandu valley. The lower
to mid-range slopes proved most productive (especially the two lower slope ravines), followed by the higher slopes; the mid to high range had
little undergrowth and was generally quiet. Most activity occurred when the sun first reached the slopes and, on the lower slopes at least,
the last hour before dusk. Birding from mid-morning to late afternoon was slow. The gardens at Godavari at the base of Pulchowki were unproductive
and we were unable to enter the fish farm.
Apart from a small woody area near to the hotel, the only other area visited (on two mornings) was the smaller hill, Nagarjung, just north
of the city.
Transport around Kathmandu and to Pulchowki was via taxi which we hired on a daily basis.
Bridge at Hetauda
The area around the bridge at Hetauda, crossing a wide stony river basin, is the primary site in Nepal for Ibisbill. Unfortunately, we did not
see any on the one afternoon we visited whilst en route to Chitwan. Although it is only 44km south of Kathmandu, the mountain road is virtually
impassable and so a seven hour taxi drive via Mugling and Narayanghat was necessary.
Five days (four nights) were spent here, the first just outside the park at the 'Royal Wildlife Lodge' at Sauraha and the remainder at the 'Chitwan
Jungle Lodge'. Transport to and from the pick up points near Sauraha was by Landrover (arranged by the lodges). All transport inside the park
(Landrover or Elephant back) was also arranged by the lodge, as were the guides who proved extremely competent.
The park itself consists of Sal forest (entangled by Killer Vine) interspersed with wetland and grassland. The birding was excellent.
Road between Narayanghat and Mugling
Whilst on the return journey from Chitwan to Kathmandu, short stops were made at the 'Riverside Springs Resort' and the area around Jobang Khola.
The habitat is similar to that of Hetauda, with the exception that it has high cliff sides with tributaries cutting through to join the main
Kosi Tappu
We made an internal flight from Kathmandu to Biratnagar, where we stopped over for one night at the 'Hotel Namaska'. Transport from here to
the park (and back to the airport) was arranged via the 'Kosi Tappu Wildlife Reserve', where we stayed for three days (two nights). They also
provided the transport inside the park (Landrover and a pleasant boat trip) as well as the guides who ranged from fair to annoying!
The park itself is primarily wetland surrounded by grassland and lightly forested Sal. The barrage itself is just outside the park and was
visited one morning for ducks. Later the same day, a brief visit was made over the border to India (strictly speaking illegal without a visa),
to an area of Tamarisk desert scrub.
18/3 |
Late afternoon arrival (from Heathrow, via Quatar) in Kathmandu; overnight in Kathmandu. |
19/3 |
Pulchowki; overnight in Kathmandu. |
20/3 |
Pulchowki; overnight in Kathmandu. |
21/3 |
Drive to Hetauda and then Chitwan; overnight in Chitwan. |
22/3 |
Chitwan. |
23/3 |
Chitwan. |
24/3 |
Chitwan. |
25/3 |
Chitwan; drive to Kathmandu; overnight in Kathmandu. |
26/3 |
Pulchowki; overnight in Kathmandu. |
27/3 |
Nagarjung and Kathmandu. |
28/3 |
Pulchowki; overnight in Kathmandu. |
29/3 |
Pulchowki; flight from Kathmandu to Biratnagar; overnight in Biratnagar. |
30/3 |
Kosi Tappu. |
31/3 |
Kosi Tappu. |
1/4 |
Kosi Tappu; flight from Biratnagar to Kathmandu; overnight in Kathmandu. |
2/4 |
Pulchowki; overnight in Kathmandu. |
3/4 |
Nagarjung; shopping in Kathmandu; overnight in Kathmandu. |
4/4 |
Early morning flight from Kathmandu to Quatar and then Heathrow. |
Birds (347 species, 265 ticks)
Little Grebe - Common at Kosi.
Cormorant - Several at Chitwan on 23rd; common at Kosi.
Little Cormorant - Common at Kosi.
Oriental Darter - Common at Kosi.
Spot-billed Pelican - Eight at Kosi on 31st.
Cinnamon Bittern - At Kosi, one on 31st and two on 1st.
Night Heron - Common at Chitwan.
Striated Heron - Fairly common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Cattle Egret - Common.
Indian Pond Heron - Common.
Little Egret - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Intermediate Egret - Common at Kosi.
Great White Egret - One at Chitwan on 23rd; common at Kosi.
Grey Heron - One at Kosi on 30th.
Purple Heron - Common at Kosi.
Asian Openbill - Common at Kosi.
Black Stork - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Wooly-necked Stork - A flock at Chitwan on 25th; one at Kosi on 30th.
Black-necked Stork - Two juveniles at Kosi seen on 30th and probably the same birds seen on 31st.
Lesser Adjutant - One at Chitwan on 22nd; common at Kosi.
Black-headed Ibis - Common at Kosi.
Black Ibis - Fairly common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Spoonbill - One at Kosi on 1st.
Lesser Whistling Duck - Common at Kosi.
Bar-headed Goose - Eight seen at Kosi on 31st.
Ruddy Shelduck - Three seen at Chitwan on 23rd; common at Kosi.
Cotton Pygmy Goose - Common at Kosi.
Wigeon - Common at Kosi.
Gadwall - Common at Kosi.
Teal - Common at Kosi.
Pintail - Common at Kosi.
Gargany - Common at Kosi.
Shoveler - Common at Kosi.
Red-crested Pochard - Reasonably common at Kosi.
Tufted Duck - Common at Kosi.
Oriental Honey Buzzard - One on Pulchowki on 19th; common at Chitwan.
Black-shouldered Kite - Common away from Kathmandu.
Black-eared Kite - Common, particularly in Kathmandu.
Pallas's Fish-eagle - One seen very briefly at Kosi on 30th.
White-rumped Vulture - A large flock feeding on cow carcass at Kosi on 31st.
Long-billed Vulture - A mixed flock of this species and Himalayan Griffons at Kosi on 30th.
Himalayan Griffon Vulture - See above; all were juvenile.
Griffon Vulture - One at Jobang Khola on 25th; several feeding with White-rumped Vulture flock at Kosi on 31st.
Red-headed Vulture - One at Jobang Khola on 25th.
Black Vulture - One feeding with White-rumped Vulture flock at Kosi on 31st.
Crested Serpent Eagle - Common.
Marsh Harrier - One female type at Kosi on 1st.
Hen Harrier - Male at Kosi on 31st.
Pallid Harrier? - An immature male and a juvenile hunting together at Kosi on 1st were almost certainly of this species.
Pied Harrier - At Kosi, one male on 31st and two males on 1st.
Harrier sp. - Single ringtails seen at Kosi on 30th and 1st.
Crested Goshawk - A probable at Chitwan on 24th; a single at Jobang Khola on 25th; a possible at Kosi on 29th.
Shikra - Common.
Besra - One in the Godavari gardens on 2nd; a probable on Pulchowki on 2nd.
Sparrowhawk - A probable in Kathmandu on 8th; male and female together on Pulchowki on 28th; singles at Kosi on 30th (probable) and 31st.
White-eyed Buzzard - At Kosi, one on 30th and three on 31st.
Common Buzzard - One at Hetauda on 21st.
Black Eagle - Two (possibly the same bird) on Pulchowki on 20th.
Lesser Spotted Eagle - At Chitwan, one on nest on 23rd and both birds seen around site on 25th.
Greater Spotted Eagle - A juvenile at Kosi on 31st.
Steppe Eagle - Juveniles seen around Kathmandu on 21st, 27th and 29th.
Imperial Eagle? - Two birds at Kosi on 31st were probably of this species.
Booted Eagle - Single pale-phase birds in Kathmandu on 27th and 3rd.
Mountain Hawk-Eagle? - Three individuals on Pulchowki on 19th, 26th and 2nd although Changeable Hawk-Eagle could not be eliminated.
Osprey - Seen regularly at Chitwan and Kosi.
Collared Falconet - One at Chitwan on 24th.
Kestrel - Fairly common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Laggar? - A possible at Kosi on 30th.
Peregrine - One at Hetauda on 21st; a probable at Kosi on 31st.
Black Francolin - Common at Chitwan and Kosi. One heard on Pulchowki on 2nd.
Swamp Francolin - Common at Kosi.
Rufous-throated Partridge - One seen briefly on Pulchowki on 20th.
Red Junglefowl - Common at Chitwan; several heard at Kosi.
Kalij Pheasant - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Blue Peafowl - Common at Chitwan.
Yellow-legged Buttonquail? - One or two flushed at Chitwan on 22nd and 25th were apparently of this species.
Baillon's Crake - One (immature?) seen at Kosi on 31st and 1st.
Ruddy-breasted Crake - Singles at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Brown Crake? - A probable at Chitwan on 23rd.
White-breasted Waterhen - Common at Kosi.
Purple Gallinule - Common at Kosi.
Common Crane - Two at Kosi on 30th.
Bengal Florican - One at Chitwan on 24th.
Pheasant-tailed Jacana - Four at Kosi on 1st.
Bronze-winged Jacana - Common at Kosi.
Avocet - One at Kosi on 1st.
Stone Curlew - Two at Chitwan on 22nd; one at Kosi on 31st.
Great Thick-knee - A pair at Kosi on 31st.
Little Pratincole - Common at Hetauda and Kosi.
Pacific Golden Plover - Several large flocks at Kosi.
Little Ringed Plover - Common at Hetauda; several near Kathmandu on 27th; several at Kosi on 30th.
River Lapwing - Three at Hetauda on 21st; several at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Yellow-wattled Plover - One at Kosi on 1st.
Grey-headed Plover - One at Kosi on 30th.
Red-wattled Plover - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Temminck's Stint - Several at Hetauda on 21st; one at Chitwan on 23rd.
Common Snipe - One at Chitwan on 25th; common at Kosi.
Pintail Snipe - One at Chitwan on 23rd; two at Kosi on 31st.
Curlew - Several at Kosi on 1st.
Redshank - Several at Chitwan on 23rd.
Greenshank - Common at Chitwan and, in particular, Kosi.
Green Sandpiper - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Wood Sandpiper - Singles at Kosi on 30th and 31st.
Common Sandpiper - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
'Herring Gull type' sp. - Singles at Kosi on 31st and 1st.
Great Black-headed Gull - Three at Kosi on 1st.
Black-headed Gull - One at Kosi on 1st.
River Tern - Fairly common at Kosi.
Black-bellied Tern - Two at Kosi on 31st.
Little Tern - Common at Kosi.
Rock Dove - Common, but most birds seen obviously feral.
Speckled Woodpigeon? - Flocks of Speckled/Ashy Woodpigeon almost certainly included this species but none could be positively identified.
Ashy Woodpigeon? - See above.
Eurasian Collared Dove - Fairly common.
Red Collared Dove - Several at Chitwan on 21st and 22nd.
Oriental Turtle Dove - Fairly common.
Spotted Dove - Fairly common.
Barred Cuckoo-Dove - Singles on Pulchowki in 19th and at Nagarjung on 3rd.
Emerald Dove - A pair at Chitwan on 23rd and a single on 24th.
Orange-breasted Green Pigeon - A pair at Chitwan on 23rd; several flocks of Green Pigeon at Chitwan were probably of this species.
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon - Singles at Chitwan on 23rd an 25th.
Alexandrine Parakeet - Several at Chitwan on 23rd and 24th.
Ring-necked Parakeet - Common.
Slaty-headed Parakeet? - Two at Chitwan on 24th were apparently of this species.
Plum-headed Parakeet - Common at Chitwan.
Large Hawk-Cuckoo - Regularly heard on Pulchowki; one male at Kosi on 31st.
Common Hawk-Cuckoo - At Chitwan, singles on 22nd and 23rd, and a pair on 24th.
Common Cuckoo - One heard in Kathmandu on 18th.
Oriental Cuckoo - Regularly heard on Pulchowki.
Asian Koel - A male at Kosi on 31st.
Green-billed Malkoha - Singles at Chitwan on 22nd and 24th.
Sirkeer Malkoha - Two at Chitwan on 24th; one at Kosi on 30th.
Greater Coucal - One, probably Greater, at Chitwan on 24th; common at Kosi.
Lesser Coucal - Two at Chitwan on 23rd; one at Kosi on 31st.
Brown Fish Owl - Two (possibly the same bird) at Chitwan on 23rd.
Jungle Owlet - Common at Chitwan; one at Kosi on 30th.
Spotted Owlet - One near Chitwan on 22nd; one at Kosi on 30th.
Brown Hawk Owl - Heard in evenings at Chitwan.
Short-eared Owl - One at Kosi on 1st.
Large-tailed Nightjar - One heard at Chitwan during evening of 24th.
Himalayan Swiftlet - Several amongst House Swifts at Nagarjung on 3rd.
Asian Palm Swift - One at Kosi on 31st.
House Swift - Common.
Crested Treeswift - Fairly common at Chitwan.
Red-headed Trogon - Three at Chitwan on 24th.
White-breasted Kingfisher - Common.
Stork-billed Kingfisher - Two at Chitwan on 23rd; two on 30th and one on 31st at Kosi.
Common Kingfisher - Fairly common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Pied Kingfisher - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Little Green Bee-eater - Common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Blue-tailed Bee-eater - Three at Chitwan on 22nd; common at Kosi.
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater - Common at Chitwan.
Indian Roller - Frequent in lowlands.
Hoopoe - One at Chitwan on 22nd; one in Kathmandu on 26th; common at Kosi.
Great Hornbill - At Chitwan, one was heard on 22nd and eight were seen on 24th.
Great Barbet - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Lineated Barbet - Several at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Golden-throated Barbet - Three on Pulchowki on 20th.
Blue-throated Barbet - One in Kathmandu on 18th.
Coppersmith Barbet - A pair at Kosi on 31st.
Wryneck - One, very tatty individual at Chitwan on 25th.
Speckled Piculet - Three at the base of Pulchowki on 2nd.
Lesser Yellownape - Several at Chitwan.
Greater Yellownape - Two at Chitwan.
Grey-headed Woodpecker - Common at Chitwan.
Streak-throated Woodpecker - A pair at Kosi on 31st.
Himalayan Flameback - Two at Chitwan on 24th.
Black-rumped Flameback - Fairly common at Kosi.
Darjeeling Woodpecker - A male on Pulchowki on 28th.
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker - A male on Pulchowki on 28th.
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker - Common at Kosi.
Grey-capped Woodpecker - Common at Kosi.
Rufous-winged Bushlark - Fairly common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Sand Lark - Several at Hetauda on 21st; one at Chitwan on 24th; fairly common at Kosi.
Oriental Skylark - Large flock near Kathmandu on 27th.
Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark - At Kosi, three on 31st and one on 1st.
Brown-throated Sand Martin - Common.
Swallow - Common.
Red-rumped Swallow - Fairly common.
Richard's Pipit - One at Hetauda on 21st.
Paddyfield Pipit - Several at Hetauda on 21st; one at Chitwan on 25th.
Tawny Pipit - One at Kosi on 1st.
Olive-backed Pipit - Common.
Rosy Pipit - Common at Chitwan.
Water Pipit? - Several probables at Hetauda on 21st.
Citrine Wagtail - Female at Chitwan on 24th.
Grey Wagtail - In Kathmandu, one on 18th, at least two on 20th, and several on 27th; one at Chitwan on 22nd.
White Wagtail - Common; at Hetauda on 21st, the following races were tentatively recorded: personata, leucopsis, dukhunensis/biacalensis
and alboides.
White-browed Wagtail - Many at Hetauda on 21st; one at Chitwan on 25th; several near Kathmandu on 27th.
Common Woodshrike - Two at Chitwan on 24th.
Large Cuckooshrike - At Chitwan, one on 22nd and two on 23rd and 24th.
Black-winged Cuckooshrike - At Chitwan, a male on 23rd and a pair on 24th.
Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike - A pair at a nest at Chitwan on 23rd; one on Pulchowki on 29th.
Scarlet Minivet - Single males at Chitwan on 23rd and 25th.
Long-tailed Minivet - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Grey-chinned Minivet - Male on Pulchowki on 26th.
Small Minivet - Single males at Chitwan on 23rd and 24th.
Rosy Minivet - Pairs at Chitwan on 22nd and 24th.
Striated Bulbul - Several at Chitwan on 22nd and at Kosi on 30th.
Black-crested Bulbul - One at Chitwan on 24th.
Red-whiskered Bulbul - Common at Chitwan; two at Kosi on 30th.
Himalayan Bulbul - Fairly common.
Red-vented Bulbul - Common.
Ashy Bulbul - One at Jobang Khola on 25th.
Mountain Bulbul - Two on Pulchowki on 20th; two at Chitwan on 23rd.
Black Bulbul - One at Chitwan on 25th; one on Pulchowki on 28th; several at Nagarjung on 3rd.
Common Iora - Singles at Chitwan on 22nd and 25th.
Golden-fronted Leafbird - At Chitwan, two on 21st and one on 22nd.
Orange-bellied Leafbird - Female at Nagarjung on 3rd.
Brown Dipper - One at the 'Riverside Springs Resort' on 25th.
Wren - One at Chitwan on 23rd.
Siberian Rubythroat - Single males at Hetauda on 21st and Kosi on 30th.
White-tailed Rubythroat - At Chitwan, a single female on 23rd and single males on 24th and 25th.
Bluethroat - Two males at Chitwan on 23rd.
Red-flanked Bluetail - A pair were repeatedly seen on Pulchowki.
Oriental Magpie Robin - Fairly common.
White-rumped Sharma - A male at Chitwan on 22nd.
Black Redstart - Fairly common.
Hodgson's Redstart - Females at Hetauda on 21st and on Pulchowki on 28th and 29th.
White-capped Water Redstart - One at Jobang Khola on 25th; several in the Godavari gardens on 2nd.
Plumbeous Redstart - Several at the 'Riverside Springs Resort' on 25th.
Stonechat - Common.
Pied Bushchat - Fairly common.
Grey Bushchat - Fairly common.
Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush - On Pulchowki, a pair on 19th and two females on 26th.
Blue Whistling Thrush - Fairly common on Pulchowki; one at Chitwan on 25th.
Long-tailed Thrush - One at Nagarjung on 27th.
White's Thrush - Fairly common at Nagarjung (occasionally Pulchowki) and Chitwan.
Tickell's Thrush - Fairly common at Nagarjung and Chitwan.
Grey-winged Blackbird - At Chitwan, single males on 22nd and 24th.
Black-throated Thrush - Fairly common.
Dusky Thrush? - A possible on the outskirts of Kathmandu on 27th.
Slaty-backed Forktail - One at Jobang Khola on 25th.
Spotted Forktail - Two or three on Pulchowki on 20th; one in the Godavari gardens on 2nd.
Chestnut-headed Tesia - One on Pulchowki on 28th.
Grey-bellied Tesia - One on Pulchowki on 19th.
Chestnut-crowned Bush Warbler - Singles at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Aberrant Bush Warbler - One at Chitwan on 25th.
Grey-sided Bush Warbler - Singles at Chitwan on 22nd (juvenile) and 23rd.
Spotted Bush Warbler - One at Kosi on 30th.
Fan-tailed Warbler - Fairly common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Grey-crowned Prinia - Several at Chitwan on 22nd.
Grey-breasted Prinia - Several at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Yellow-bellied Prinia - One at Kosi on 30th.
Plain Prinia - Several at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd; one at Kosi on 1st.
Ashy Prinia - Several at Chitwan on 23rd.
Common Tailorbird - Common.
Striated Grassbird - A pair seen daily at nest at Kosi.
Rufous-rumped Grassbird - Two at Chitwan on 25th.
Blyth's Reed Warbler? - One probable at Chitwan on 25th and another probable at Kosi on 1st.
Clamorous Reed Warbler - Several at Kosi on 31st and 1st.
Golden-spectacled Warbler - Fairly common on Pulchowki; one at Kosi on 1st.
Chestnut-crowned Warbler - Fairly common On Pulchowki.
Grey-hooded Warbler - Fairly common on Pulchowki; one at Kosi on 1st.
Black-faced Warbler - One on Pulchowki on 28th.
Blyth's Leaf Warbler - Fairly common On Pulchowki.
Western Crowned Warbler - One on Pulchowki on 20th.
Greenish Warbler - Fairly common.
Buff-barred Warbler - Common, high on Pulchowki; one at Kosi on 1st.
Ashy-throated Warbler - On Pulchowki, one on 26th and four on 28th.
Pale-rumped Warbler - Common, low on Pulchowki.
Yellow-browed Warbler - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler - Common on Pulchowki.
Dusky Warbler - One at Kosi on 31st.
Smoky Warbler - One at Chitwan on 22nd.
Tickell's Leaf Warbler - One at Chitwan on 24th; one at Kosi on 30th.
Chiffchaff - One at Chitwan on 23rd.
Small Niltava - Female on Pulchowki on 19th.
Rufous-bellied Niltava - On Pulchowki, a male on 19th and a female on 28th.
Pale-chinned Flycatcher - At Chitwan, several on 22nd and one on 24th.
Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher - A male on Pulchowki on 29th.
Verditer Flycatcher - Common on Pulchowki.
Dark-sided Flycatcher? - A probable on Pulchowki on 29th.
Brown Flycatcher - One at Chitwan on 24th; one at Kosi on 30th.
Rufous-gorgetted Flycatcher - Common on Pulchowki.
Red-breasted Flycatcher - Fairly common.
Little Pied Flycatcher - A male on Pulchowki on 27th.
Ultramarine Flycatcher - On Pulchowki, three males and a female on 26th and a male on 2nd.
Slaty-blue Flycatcher - On Pulchowki, males on 28th and 29th.
Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher - Fairly common.
Yellow-bellied Fantail - Fairly common on Pulchowki; two at Chitwan on 24th.
White-throated Fantail - Two at Chitwan on 22nd; one on Pulchowki on 28th.
Asian Paradise-Flycatcher - Common at Chitwan.
Black-naped Monarch - Male at Chitwan on 21st; female at Kosi on 30th.
Puff-throated Babbler - One heard at Chitwan on 25th.
Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler - One at Nagarjung on 27th.
Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler - Several on Pulchowki and at Nagarjung between 26th and 29th.
Scaly-breasted Wren-Babbler - One on Pulchowki on 19th and a Wren-Babbler probably of this species on Pulchowki on 20th.
Pygmy Wren-Babbler - One on Pulchowki on 20th.
Black-chinned Babbler - Common, low on Pulchowki.
Grey-throated Babbler - One at Chitwan on 25th.
Red-capped Babbler - Several at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Yellow-eyed Babbler - Several at Chitwan on 23rd.
Striated Babbler - One at Chitwan on 25th.
Jungle Babbler - Common at Chitwan; one near Kathmandu on 29th.
White-throated Laughingthrush - Common on Pulchowki.
White-crested Laughingthrush - Common at Nagarjung.
Striated Laughingthrush - One on Pulchowki on 19th.
Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Grey-sided Laughingthrush - Two on Pulchowki on 20th.
Streaked Laughingthrush - One on Pulchowki on 19th.
Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush - On Pulchowki, several on 26th and one 28th.
White-browed Shrike-Babbler - A pair on Pulchowki on 26th.
Green Shrike-Babbler - One on Pulchowki on 26th.
Hoary-throated Barwing - Two on Pulchowki on 28th.
Blue-winged Minla - One on Pulchowki on 19th.
Chestnut-tailed Minla - On Pulchowki, three on 19th, one on 26th, and one on 28th.
Rufous-winged Fulvetta - On Pulchowki, one on 19th and one on 26th.
White-browed Fulvetta - On Pulchowki, at least two on 19th, one on 26th, and one on 28th.
Nepal Fulvetta - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Rufous Sibia - Common on Pulchowki.
Whiskered Yuhina - On Pulchowki, several on 19th and one on 26th.
Stripe-throated Yuhina - One on Pulchowki on 28th.
White-bellied Yuhina - Singles at Chitwan on 24th and 25th.
Black-throated Tit - Common on Pulchowki.
Yellow-browed Tit - Two on Pulchowki on 28th.
Great Tit - Fairly common on Pulchowki and at Chitwan.
Green-backed Tit - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Black-lored Tit - Common on Pulchowki.
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch - Common at Chitwan.
White-tailed Nuthatch - Common on Pulchowki.
Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch - Common at Chitwan.
Rusty-flanked Treecreeper - One on Pulchowki on 28th.
Brown-throated Treecreeper - One on Pulchowki on 19th.
Purple Sunbird - At Chitwan, single males on 24th and 25th.
Green-tailed Sunbird - Common on Pulchowki.
Black-throated Sunbird - Single males on Pulchowki on 26th and 29th.
Crimson Sunbird - Single males at Chitwan on 23rd and 25th.
Fire-tailed Sunbird - Several (one male) on Pulchowki on 26th.
Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker - Pair on Pulchowki on 28th.
Pale-billed Flowerpecker - At Chitwan, singles on 23rd and 25th.
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker - Fairly common except at Chitwan (where none seen.)
Oriental White-eye - Common.
Maroon Oriole - Male at Nagarjung on 3rd.
Black-hooded Oriole - Fairly common at Chitwan; a pair at Kosi on 30th.
Golden Oriole - Two at Chitwan on 22nd; at Kosi, a male on 30th and a female on 1st.
Long-tailed Shrike - Around Kathmandu, singles on 19th, 24th and 29th; one at Chitwan on 24th.
Grey-backed Shrike - One at Kosi on 30th.
Black Drongo - Common.
Ashy Drongo - One at Chitwan on 22nd.
White-bellied Drongo - One at Chitwan on 22nd.
Bronzed Drongo - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo - One on Pulchowki on 19th.
Spangled Drongo - Several at Chitwan on 22nd and 23rd.
Ashy Woodswallow - Fairly common at Chitwan.
Jay - One on Pulchowki on 26th.
Yellow-billed Blue Magpie - One on Pulchowki on 28th (bill colour not seen!)
Red-billed Blue Magpie - One on Pulchowki on 22nd.
Rufous Treepie - Fairly common.
Grey Treepie - Two at Nagarjung on 27th; one on Pulchowki on 28th.
House Crow - Abundant around towns and villages.
Jungle Crow - Common away from Kathmandu.
Spot-winged Starling - At Chitwan, a male on 22nd and a female on 23rd.
Chestnut-tailed Starling - Common at Chitwan; one at Kosi on 30th.
Asian Pied Starling - One at Chitwan on 21st; common at Kosi.
Common Myna - Common.
Jungle Myna - Fairly common.
House Sparrow - Common.
Tree Sparrow - Common.
Yellow-throated Sparrow - One at Chitwan on 25th.
Baya Weaver - A flock at Kosi on 1st.
Scaly-breasted Munia - A flock at Chitwan on 23rd; several on Pulchowki on 2nd including some yellow to bright green individuals (escapes?)
Common Rosefinch - One at Chitwan on 24th; one at Kosi on 31st.
Scarlet Finch - A male on Pulchowki on 28th.
Black-faced Bunting - Male at Kosi on 30th.
Little Bunting - One on Pulchowki on 2nd.
Crested Bunting - Several at Chitwan on 22nd.
Glassy Bluebottle - Pulchowki on 20th.
Common Windmill - Pulchowki on 19th and 20th.
Large White - Common.
Indian Cabbage White - Common.
Psyche - Chitwan on 23rd.
Red-spot Jezebel - Pulchowki on 20th.
Yellow Jezebel - Pulchowki on 20th.
Common Jezebel - Chitwan on 23rd.
Common Grass Yellow - Chitwan on 23rd.
Easten Pale Clouded Yellow - Common.
Northern Clouded Yellow - Common.
Grey Count - Chitwan on 23rd.
Orange Oakleaf - Pulchowki on 19th.
Common Sailor - Chitwan on 23rd.
Bhutan Sergeant - Pulchowki on 19th and 20th.
Orange Staff Sergeant? - Possible female on Pulchowki on 20th.
Common Sergeant - Chitwan on 23rd.
Lesser Punch - Pulchowki on 19th.
Orange Punch - Pulchowki on 19th and 20th.
Painted Lady - Common.
Indian Tortoiseshell - Pulchowki on 19th and 20th.
Blue Admiral - Pulchowki on 19th and 20th.
Queen of Spain Fritillary - Pulchowki on 19th.
Common Leopard - - Pulchowki on 19th.
Blue Peacock - Pulchowki on 20th.
Blue Tiger - Pulchowki on 20th; Chitwan on 23rd.
Plain Tiger - Chitwan on 23rd.
Common Tiger - Chitwan on 23rd.
Common Indian Crow - Chitwan on 23rd.
Double-branded Blue Crow - Chitwan on 23rd.
Fruit Bat sp. - Very large bats were seen leaving a roost at Biratnagar on 29th; a roost of a much smaller species in Kathmandu on 3rd.
Common Langur - A party seen at Chitwan on 24th.
Rhesus Monkey - Fairly common at Chitwan.
Orange-breasted Squirrel - Fairly common on Pulchowki.
Golden Jackal - Two at Kosi on 30th.
Fox sp. - One at Kosi on 1st.
Yellow-throated Marten - One very large species on Pulchowki on 2nd.
Mustalid sp. - One very large Weasel-type species on Pulchowki on 2nd.
Small Asian Mongoose - Several at Chitwan and Kosi.
Indian Elephant - Feral animals common at Chitwan and Kosi.
Asian One-horned Rhinoceros - Common at Chitwan.
Wild Boar - Several at Chitwan.
Muntjac Deer - Common at Chitwan.
Spotted Deer - Common at Chitwan.
Sambar Deer - Fairly common at Chitwan.
Hog Deer - One at Chitwan on 22nd.
Water Buffalo - Common at Kosi.
Gangetic Dolphin - Several at Kosi on 1st.
Other Wildlife
Yellow Monitor Lizard - One at Chitwan on 21st and 24th.
Marsh Mugger Crocodile - One at Kosi on 31st.