Finland June 4 - 7, 1999

This organised trip, arranged by Ibis Excursions, was undertaken with Bill Pegram. The trip started on the afternoon of the 4th and finished on the afternoon of the 7th. The three days were very intensive and involved a total of 48 hours in the field.

The tour leader was Marco Darhl who was provided by Finnature. He proved competent but did tend to follow his own agenda (concentrating on 'padders' and species totals when there were still new birds to be seen); however, all target species (and more) were seen so the results must surely count for themselves!

All accommodation and food was taken care of by the organisers, as was the itinerary. The exact location of some of the sites was not revealed by the guides for obvious reasons. Transport around Finland was via minibus.

Very wet! Almost continuous rain (although mostly light). However, there were breaks in the rain and there was little wind so it was not necessarily bad for birding. The last afternoon was actually quite sunny.

Kuusamo, in the east, was rather cold (less than 10°C) and there was thick fog at the rubbish dump there which made gull watching impractical.

Places Visited
Most of our time was spent here. The habitat consisted of a mixture of forest (Scots Pine, Sitka Spruce and Silver Birch), open farmland, small towns and villages and costal lagoons and wetland.

One stop was made at woodland near to here specifcally to see Hawk Owl.

Near to the Russian border, true Taiga forest was encountered as well as numerous large and small inland lakes.

A lake near Kuusamo
With Bill at a lake near Kuusamo
A lake near Kuusamo
Watching a Siberian Jay

4/6 Mid-afternoon arival in Oulu (from Heathrow via Helsinki); overnight in Oulu.
5/6 Oulu.
6/6 Drive to Kuusamo via Kajaani site; overnight in Kuusamo.
7/6 Kuusamo area; drive to Oulu for return flights.

Birds (115 species, 11 ticks)
Black-throated Diver - Seven on a lake near Kuusamo on 6th.
Diver sp. - Singles, probably Black-throated, in flight near Kuusamo on 6th and 7th.
Great Crested Grebe - Several on sea near Oulu on 5th.
Little Egret - One at Terek Sandpiper site (Oulu area) on 5th was apparently the 13th Finnish record!
Grey Heron - One seen at roadside lake en-route to Kuusamo on 6th.
Whooper Swan - Fairly common.
Greylag Goose - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Wigeon - Male in Oulu area on 5th.
Teal - Fairly common.
Mallard - Common.
Pintail - Fairly common.
Gargany - Fairly common.
Shoveler - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Tufted Duck - Fairly common.
Velvet Scoter - Several on a lake near Kuusamo on 7th.
Goldeneye - Common.
Smew - Two males on a lake near Kuusamo on 7th.
Red-breasted Merganser - Common.
Goosander - Male on a lake near Kuusamo on 7th.
Hen Harrier - Flyover male at Ural Owl site (Oulu area) on 5th.
Common Buzzard - One by roadside en-route to Kuusamo on 6th.
Hobby - Flyover seen en-route to Oulu on 7th.
Willow Grouse - Male in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Black Grouse - Several in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Capercaillie - Female in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Hazel Grouse - Male in taiga forest near Kuusamo on 7th.
Coot - Single in Oulu area on 5th.
Crane - Fairly common.
Oystercatcher - Single in Oulu area on 5th.
Ringed Plover - Two in Oulu area on 5th; several in Kuusamo area on 6th.
Golden Plover - Two in Oulu area on 5th.
Lapwing - Common.
Broad-billed Sandpiper - Two at water near rubbish dump near Kuusamo on 6th.
Ruff - Fairly common.
Common Snipe - Fairly common.
Woodcock - Fairly common.
Black-tailed Godwit - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Curlew - Common.
Spotted Redshank - Single in Oulu area on 5th.
Common Redshank - Single in Kuusamo area on 6th.
Greenshank - Fairly common.
Green Sandpiper - Fairly common.
Wood Sandpiper - Fairly common.
Terek Sandpiper - Single at known site in Oulu area on 5th.
Common Sandpiper - Fairly common.
Red-necked Phalarope - Female swimming in bay near Oulu on 5th.
Little Gull - Fairly common.
Black-headed Gull - Fairly common.
Common Gull - Fairly common.
Lesser Black-backed Gull - Fairly common.
Herring Gull - Fairly common.
Gull sp. - Two birds at rubbish dump near Kuusamo on 6th may have been heuglini.
Caspian Tern - Five together in Oulu area on 5th.
Common Tern - Fairly common.
Arctic Tern - Fairly common.
Little Tern - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Black Tern - One seen at roadside lake en-route to Kuusamo on 6th.
Rock Dove - A few feral birds in Kuusamo on 6th and 7th.
Woodpigeon - Fairly common.
Cuckoo - Common.
Long-eared Owl - A single, large chick seen on nest near Oulu on 5th.
Short-eared Owl - Single birds seen in Oulu area on 5th and 6th.
Eagle Owl - Female on nest at site near Kuusamo on 7th.
Hawk Owl - Two aggressive adults and two fledged chicks at site near Kajaani on 6th.
Ural Owl - Adult and four fledged chicks at site near Oulu on 5th.
Great Grey Owl - Female brooding young on nest at site near Oulu on 4th.
Pygmy Owl - Female at site near Oulu on 5th.
Tengmalm's Owl - Female showed from nestbox at site near Oulu on 5th.
Swift - Common.
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Two in Oulu area on 5th.
Three-toed Woodpecker - Pair at nestbox site near Oulu on 5th.
Skylark - One heard in Oulu area on 5th.
Swallow - Fairly common.
House Martin - Fairly common.
Tree Pipit - Common.
White Wagtail - Fairly common.
Dunnock - One heard in Kuusamo area on 6th.
Robin - One heard in Oulu area on 5th.
Redstart - A male in Oulu area on 5th.
Whinchat - Fairly common.
Northern Wheatear - Fairly common.
Blackbird - One heard in Oulu area on 5th.
Fieldfare - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Redwing - Common.
Sedge Warbler - Common in appropriate habitat around Oulu.
Icterine Warbler - Singing male in Oulu area on 5th.
Garden Warbler - Fairly common.
Chiffchaff - One heard in Oulu area on 5th.
Willow Warbler - Very common.
Spotted Flycatcher - Common.
Pied Flycatcher - Fairly common.
Siberian Tit - One bringing food to nestbox at site near Kuusamo.
Willow Tit - One in Oulu area on 5th; one in taiga forest near Kuusamo on 7th.
Blue Tit - One in Oulu area on 5th.
Great Tit - Fairly common.
Red-backed Shrike - A pair and a single male in Oulu area on 5th.
Starling - Two in flight in Oulu on 4th.
Siberian Jay - Common around taiga forest near Kuusamo on 7th.
Jay - Flyover in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Magpie - Fairly common.
Jackdaw - Fairly common.
Rook - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Carrion Crow - Common; Hooded type.
Raven - Common at rubbish dump near Kuusamo on 6th.
Chaffinch - Fairly common.
Brambling - Several in Kuusamo area including a singing male on 7th.
Greenfinch - Fairly common.
Siskin - Fairly common.
Redpoll - Fairly common.
Crossbill - Fairly common.
Parrot Crossbill - A flock near Three-toed Woodpecker site (Oulu area) on 5th; several in mixed flock of Crossbill sp. near Hawk Owl site (near Kajaani) on 6th.
Two-barred Crossbill - Juvenile in mixed flock of Crossbill sp. near Hawk Owl site (near Kajaani) on 6th.
Common Rosefinch - Fairly common; an old, red male was singing in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Bullfinch - A pair in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Yellowhammer - Fairly common.
Ortolan Bunting - Several in Oulu area on 5th.
Reed Bunting - Fairly common.

Shrew sp. - One found dead en-route to Oulu on 7th.
Reindeer - Fairly common in Kuusamo area.
Elk - Two in Kuusamo area on 6th.
Red Squirrel - One in Oulu area on 5th; one in Kuusamo area on 7th.
Muskrat - One seen at roadside lake en-route to Kuusamo on 6th.