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Not a bad afternoon walk in the sun. Four House Sparrows seen in the paddocks, my first there for nearly three years. And two Merlins. A male in flight, and this distant perched female…
This Mute Swan looked lovely in the late afternoon light…
And a scenic shot of the sun going down behind the reeds…
FowlmereA quick walk around at dusk with the Hen Harrier being the obvious highlight.
FowlmereEarly morning at Fowlmere searching for the recent Little Egret and the Mealy Redpoll. Succeeded with the first, but failed with the second. A single Redpoll was heard (and maybe seen), but that was as close as it got. The immature Mute Swan that stayed on whatever water was ice-free during the cold snap, was unfortunately found dead.
Also saw a Carrion Crow without a tail doing a wobbly impression of a Bateleur!
Took the first visit of the year to Shepreth L-moor. Not a lot seen apart from a single Snipe and year-tick Greenfinches which are always ubiquitous at this site. Fowlmere held even less.