I've eventually got around to sorting through the photo's I took in Namibia. The usual excuses about quality apply (lack of time to take 'proper' pictures etc.) plus an additional one for this trip: I dropped my camera and the focusing mechanism partially broke! However, I hope you agree that some are okay, and besides, they're only really snapshots, taken whilst birding.
I put this simple website together using Web Album Generator. Whilst it doesn't offer much in the way of features, it is very easy to use and simple sites such as this can be put together without any technical knowledge. It's free and is fine if you just want to show off some photos.
Hopefully all the captions are correct; if you spot any mistakes then let me know. Some of the portrait pictures may not fit well on smaller monitors; toggling F11 on most browsers may help. On to the photo's...
Created with Web Album Generator